Authentic Mediterranean cuisine

Favoritenstraße 133, 1100 Vienna


Mussty Food Point

Company name: Casalinga KG

Company address:
Bürgergasse 20 1100 Vienna
+43 1 92 02 565

Mussty Food Point
Address: Favoritenstraße 133 1100 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 208 07 07


The managing director is responsible for the content of the website

Managing Director: Mustafa Cubukcu
VAT ID: ATU67843239
Company register number: FN390302z
Commercial Court Vienna / Austria

Technical IT & EDP support & SEO search engine optimization:

Kodlogy Technologies GmbH

Webdesigner Vienna

Licenses for the photos used:
Kodlogy Technologies GmbH on the following platforms:

Envato Elements, Freepik, Themeforest

Liability notice:
Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links and photos. The operators of the linked pages and published photos are solely responsible for their content. The domain, including all sub-domains, contains links to other pages on the Internet. In such cases, Casalinga KG as the operator of expressly declares that it has no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked and uploaded pages and photos. For this reason, Casalinga KG expressly distances itself from all contents of all linked pages and published photos on the website and does not adopt these contents as its own. This declaration applies to all pages to which links lead.